Multi-activities Room

 Opening Hours

Monday to Sunday
07:00 - 23:00
[Except during such time when the facility is reserved for the Club's interest class(es).]

Tel: 2837 1849

Booking Procedures

Members who wish to use the Room exclusively may book the room for private use.  Bookings could be made 7 days in advance. Visitors (guests) are not allowed.


Only non-marking indoor shoes are allowed.

Eating or drinking is not allowed. 

Each member may invite a maximum number of three visitors (guests) only. Visitors (Guests) must be accompanied by hosting members.

Without the approval of General Committee, private training could not be conducted in the Multi-activities Room.


Exclusive use of the Room:
HK$200 per 55 minutes

Non-exclusive use of the Room Member:
HK$20 / person / 55 minutes

Visitor (Guest):
HK$120 / person / 55 minutes